Images via Fantastic Frank ...ked som zbadala tento byt, okamzite som si ho zamilovala....v poslednom case som si velmi, ale naozaj velmi oblubila kombinaciu bielej s hnedym nabytkom s trochou industrialneho stylu...vyzera to cool a sviezo a clovek ma hned lepsiu naladu :) ale fakt, ze so skandinavskymi designovymi znackami, ci uz v nabytku, dekoraciach alebo aj v porcelane, kazdy byt musi vyzerat dobre...ale tiez treba trosku designoveho vkusu, aby tie skvosty vyzerali dobre :) * ...when I saw this swedish apartment I fallen in love with it immediately...:) I adore the combination of white color with brown furniture and of course with a little bit of industrial esprit...then it looks cool, fresh and everyone has a better mood when see the interior like this one :) is true that each interior has to look nice with nordic design pieces but it is needed to have interior designer's talent to arranged nicely these treasures...:) ...