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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu decembra 6, 2014

Vianocna nalada vdaka svetlam STRÅLA / Christmas mood thanks to lights STRÅLA

Je to az neuveritelne ako dokazu tieto svetla navodit pravu vianocnu atmosferu. Ja viem, uz jeden post som o nich mala, ale ked ja z nich jednoducho nemozem a zvlast ked je to podciarknute aj super stylingom v uzasnom prostredi :) * It is unbelievable how these lights STRÅLA know to create lovely christmas atmosphere. I know I wrote the post already about STRÅLA but I fallen in love with this light and oh yes, this styling with STRÅLA is absolutely perfect :) Images via

Carovny, maly skandinavsky byt / Magical, small scandinavian apartment

Znova tu mame velmi krasny priklad mensieho skandinavskeho bytu, ktory priam vyraza dych. Neskutocne milujem taketo typy nehmutelnosti, ktore su na prvy pohlad velmi prijemne a utulne.  Nie kazdy z nas ma stastie na velky byt a prave ten maly je castokrat velkym problemom zariadit. A prave tento byt je dobrym prikladom toho, ze je vsetko mozne a aj mensi byt sa da zariadit s vkusom.  Ak prave Vy potrebujete inspiraciu, tak nech sa paci, nizsie uvedene fotky Vas urcite naladia na zariadovanie Vasho pribytku :) Pekny den! * This is really nice example of smaller scandinavian apartment which is absolutely stunning.  I adore these types of flats, the types which look fantastic, cute, pleasant and cozy.  Not everyone has big apartment and small or smaller one is problem arrange sometimes. I think this nice flat is good example of smaller apartment with nice style. Believe, after watching these images below, you will want to decorate your small apartmen...

Absolutely perfect design

Tak toto je tu naozaj radost pozerat, kazdy jeden kusok, je paradny. Ci uz je to gauc, stolicka alebo barove stolicky.  Samozrejme mam tu medzi nimi aj favoritov, ktore su mojmu srdcu blizke a to su  posledne tri produkty :) Prajem Vam krasnu sobotu! Lucia Albertine * So we can see absolutely perfect products from different designers here. Each of them is wondeful, each sofa, chair and stool. Of course I have favorites from these products as last three products :) Have a nice Saturday! Lucia Albertine  Andrea Radice, Folco Orlandini Picapau  Atoll by Patrick Norguet  Bubble by Sacha Lakic  Castello Lagravinese's Hampton sofa  Copacabana by Mathieu Mategot  Cumberland by Thos Moser Diamonds by Rosita Missoni   Halo by Michael Sodeau    Hi Turn by Niels Bendtsen    Infusion Furniture   Nendo Fusio sofa    Roque Frizzo's Noronha st...