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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu decembra 22, 2014

Vianocna krasa / Christmas beauty

...tak a u nas uz vianocny stromcek od soboty stoji, bolo to uzasne ozdobovanie s mojimi detmi ( 5 a 2 - rocnymi )...hoci tam chceli dat vsetky nase ozdoby, vsetkych farieb, nakoniec pochopili, ze tento rok ho mamina chce mat v bielej, strieborne a zlatej farbe...:) * our Christmas tree is ready for Christmas, his decoration was very fun with my children ( 5, 2 years old ).....they wanted to give on the tree all our christmas decoration with all colors but finally they understood that I want to give only three colors  on the three: gold, white and silver :)  

Neskutocny svedsky byt / Unbelievable swedish apartment pravdou, ze som  uz mala tento byt na svojom blogu, ale chcem vam ho ukazat este raz. Mala som tu a dufam, ze este aj budem vela krasnych skandinavskych interierov, ale zatial urobil na mna najvacsi dojem tento svedsky byt. Myslim, ze svojim zaujimavym priestorovym usporiadanim, materialmi, nabytkom a samotnym designom urobil dojem na vacsinu z nas, co poviete? * is true that I posted already this swedish flat but I would like to show you once again. I had and I hope I will have a lot of interesting scandinavian interiors but for this moment this flat is for me no.1 This space is interesting for his spatial arrangement, lovely materials which we can discover there, nice furniture and wonderful design and  styling, what do you think? Images via Alvhemmakleri

Vonave Vianoce / Christmas with nice smell pravda, ze cas ide velmi rychlo a Vianoce su tu uz za dva dni...kto nemal a este stale nema cas na ozdobovanie svojho domu z roznych pricin, nevadi, staci aspon niekolko minut a dom budete mat nielen pekne vyzdobeny, ale aj vonavy :) * is true, the time is running quickly and we will have already 2 days till Christmas...if you have not time for decoration of your home...never will find nice instruction below how you can decorate your flat during 10 minutes and you will  have christmas home with beautiful odor...:) Images via Skona hem