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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu novembra 20, 2014

Vianocne dekorovanie so siskami / Christmas decorating with cones

Uzasny vianocny cas a atmosfera pocas sviatkov...neviem sa dockat na dekorovanie, no ale myslim, ze by som mala pomaly, ale isto aj zacat, ak to chcem vsetko postihat. Musim povedat, ze sisky su naozaj velmi vdacny material, dekoracie vyzeraju skvelo :) * The Christmas time is amazing time of the year...I love to decorate and during this time is absolutely the best :) I think it is time to start christmas decoration slowly in my home ...oh yep...the cones are great material, it looks wonderful :) Images via BoligLiv, Pinterest

IKEA PS 2014 v domacnostich / IKEA PS 2014 in homes

Myslim, ze sa vsetci zhodneme na tom, ze kolecia PS 2014 od IKEI sa velmi vydarila. Mam zatial jeden kusok doma a dufam, ze nezostane len pri jednom. Velmi som bola zvedava ako ostatne veci z tejto kolekcie vyzeraju v domacnostiach, no a musim povedat, ze ako inak, vyzeraju perfektne :) * I think that everyone loves IKEA PS 2014 because it is great collection. I have one piece of this collection at home and I hope I will buy also others. I hope!!!:) I wanted to know how this collection looks maybe in your homes and I have to say, it's perfect :) Images via Pinterest, Nordic Days, Trendesso

Krasna atmosfera svedskeho bytu / Lovely atmosphere of swedish apartment

Tento svedsky byt nie je mozne len tak prehliadnut. Je priam fantasticky, patri sice ku tym mensim, ale to mu rozhodne na krase a jedinecnosti neubera. Mna hned na prvy pohlad zaujalo priestorove riesenie bytu a samozrejme aj dekoracie a nabytok. Farby su pastelove a biela, domaci tu vyuzivaju perfektny styl nabytku ( Eames rocking chair proste musi byt ) a postery.... Zaujimavo je riesena mala spalna a jej prepojenie s je to radost pozerat! * It is simple, you have to notice the beauty of this swedish apartment. I love this fantastic space, it is true that is smaller but I think it is more interesting .... At first sight what is interesting to me is space solution of the flat, decorations and furniture. The colors are my favorite, pastels and white color, the inhabitants use cool decorations and furniture ( Eames rocking chair is eternal ) and posters. I like the bedroom and the connection with the kitchen..... ...

Drevo v interieri aj v exterieri / Wood in the interior and exterior

Tato rezidencia je nadhernym prikladom pouzitia dreva v interieri. Mne osobne sa drevo paci aj ako stavebny material aj ako dekoracia. V kazdom pripade dodava pocit tepla a domova. Krasny je samozrejme nabytok, neskutocna je kuchynska linka, ktora spolu s ciernou zastenou posobi viac ako fantasticky. Samozrejme nesmieme zabudnut, ze prijemnu a priam famoznu atmosferu zanechava drevo v spojeni s kamenom a betonom .... Oh a samozrejme za touto krasnou pracou stoji australska firma Indyk Architects. Dom sa nachadza v Coalcliff. * This residence is nice example how is possible to use the wood nicely in the interior. I love so much this space, I love the wood as a building material and a decoration too. In any case the wood gives the warmth of home. There is fabulous wooden furniture especially kitchen unit which is in combination with black absolutely perfect. Of course  it is not possible to forget that stunning and pleasant atmosphere is thanks to lovely combination wood...