...aj dnesny interier ma utvrdil v tom, ze tehly, hoc len na kusku steny, dokazu dotvorit uzasny look izby ba az celeho interieru...v dnesnom pripade ich umiestnenie bolo velmi dobre vybrane, tak priestrannej izbe akou je kuchyna spojena s obyvacou izbou tehly nikdy nemozu uskodit... ...samozrejme nielen tehly v tomto byte su skvostom....nase oci a srdiecko sa mozu pokochat drevenymi podlahami, podlahou v cierno-bielej kombinacii v kuchyni, podlahou s velmi zaujimavym vzorom na chodbe ako aj velmi dobre zvolenymi dekoraciami, doplnkami, farbami, ci samotnym nabytkom a samotnym svetlym priestorom, ktory doslova nabija energiou... * ...also today's interior persuaded me that the bricks are able to create absolutely amazing look on the smaller spaces in the interior ...and in this case the kitchen and living room is very good choice beacuse this spacious room is airy and has fresh atmosphere... ...of course not only the bricks are cool in this apartment ....we can be h...