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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu septembra 7, 2014

Mily svedsky podkrovny byt / Cute swedish attic apartment

Zdravim! Uz dlhsie sa mi neskutocne pacia podkrovne byty a tie svedske jednoducho nemaju chybu :) Tento byt je sice mensi, ale velmi roztomily a svetly. Priestor je velmi zaujimavy, plny napadov...Tak si ho poprezerajte! Prajem este pekny den! Lucia Albertine * Hello! I love the attic apartments so much for a long time and the swedish attic apartments are very stunning. And this today's apartment is absolutely magical. Although this flat is smaller but cute and light. The space is very interesting, full of ideas...So let's go to watch :) Have a nice rest of the day! Lucia Albertine Images via Lundin

Niekolko tipov na ulozny priestor / Some tips for storage space

 Dobre rano! Je pravda, ze ako v dome, tak aj v byte nie je nikdy dostatok ulozneho miesta a teda aspon ja vzdy uvitam dobre napady, kde mozem miesto usetrit. Hlavne tam, kde by to hostom ani len nenapadlo a nebilo to do oci... Co poviete na tieto skvele napady uverejnene nizsie? Prajem krasnu nedelu! Lucia Albertine * Good morning! It is true that storage spaces are very helpful in the houses and in the apartments too. Especially for me and I am happy to see some nice ideas where I can have it at home...and I like these spaces when are savvy and well hidden.... What about these spaces below?  Have a nice Sunday! Lucia Albertine Images via Skonahem