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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu januára 19, 2015

Zaujimavy styling s obrazmi / Interesting styling with the pictures

...milujem fotografie a obrazy, v interieri podla mna  maju jednoznacne svoje miesto, styling s nimi je zaujimavy, ale pritom si treba dat pozor pri ich umiestnovani a aby z toho nevznikol nejaky gyc....v kazdom pripade nech je to vasou vypovedou a pracou Vasej fantazie... ja som velkou fanusickou umiestnovania posterov ci fotografii skor na podlahu alebo prazdnych ramov a to uz aj na stenu, vyznie to absolutne cool :) * ...I love the the photos and pictures and I think these lovely things, decorations have place in the interiors, styling with pictures is interesting but you will pay attention for their place on the wall any case this styling will be your work with your fantasy... I am big fan of place of posters or photos on the wall or place of empty picture frames on the look absolutely amazing and cool :) Images via Boligliv, Pinterest

Svedsky byt v cierno - bielej elegancii / Swedish flat in black and white elegance to sice mensi byt, ale po zhliadnuti fotiek z interieru si ziskava vela fanusikov a najma tych, ktori oblubuju elegantnu ciernu a bielu... je na predaj v ponuke realitnej kacelarie Fastighetsbyran, nachadza sa v Stockholme... a co sa tyka samotneho priestoru? Je naozaj na co sa pozerat, ci su to jednotlive kusky nabytku alebo uzasne napady, ktore sa podarilo nenapadnym a nevtieravym sposobom dostat do interieru... co sa tyka obyvacej izby, velmi sa mi paci vyuzitie priestoru a hlavne styling na skrinkach, ktory nenarusili umiestnenim televizie na skrinkach a styling s obrazkami a postermi... kuchyna v byte je uzasna, super vyuzitie tabulovej farby v miestnosti, miesta na odkazy nikdy nie je dost a samotne umiestnenie spalne sa mi tiez paci, uz som videla par takych bytov a vzdy to vyznie rovnako skvelo :) * ...although it is smaller apartment but when you will see these images below from the flat you will become fan of this wonderful interior... This flat is i...

Nadherna vila v norskej prirode / Beautiful villa in norwegien nature

...tato prekrasna vila sa nachadza severne od Osla v lesoch, je priam fantasticka a ten nadherny svetly priestor musi hladit nejednu dusu priaznivcov interierov a interieroveho designu... hoci s jej postavenim mali architekti spociatku problemy, pretoze sa museli vysporiadat so silnym vetrom, ale zvladli to tym, ze budovu postavili do kriza... v kazdom pripade sa im naozaj velmi podarila :) Prajem Vam uspesny start do noveho tyzdna! Lucia Albertine * ...this wonderful villa is located north of Oslo and is really fantastic, I love wonderful light interior and I believe that everyone of us, of interior's fans, fans of interior design must love this light space.... but the architects had a problem during construction of villa because they had to solve the problems with strong wind, they solved this fact with nice idea...that this villa built in cross... I think this building is absolutely great :) Have a nice start of new week! Lucia Albertine ...