Neskutocne krasne fotky okamzite pritiahli moju pozornost na tento velmi pekny svedsky dom. Je to ocarujuci dom v krasnej prirode a rozhodne nijako nezaostava ani interier domu. Milujem priestor tohto domu, svetlo, minimalizmus, tramy, zaujimavy strop, dreveny nabytok a industrialnu atmosferu. Tento dom je pekny a zaujimavy ako v lete, tak podla mna aj v zime :)... Prajem krasny den ! Lucia Albertine * When I saw this beautiful swedish house I fall in love with it. It is very magical house in nice nature and I think the interior is very interesting too... I love this space, light, minimalist, beams, interesting ceilings, wooden furniture and of course industrial atmosphere. This house is stunning and interesting in each season...:) Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via Vaningen