...tento dansky dom je absolutne uzasny a myslim, ze vacsina, ak nie vsetci, budete so mnou suhlasit... ...dansky interierovy design je krasny a znamy svojimi cistymi liniami, ktore mozno vidiet aj tu... ...kuchyna je fakt uchvatna, je jednoducha a krasne je zvolena aj farba kuchynskej linky :) krasny priestor vidime aj v ostatnych miestnostiach domu a mne osobne srdiecko pisti po jedalenskom stole :) domaci velmi dobre vyuzili aj exterier, co je len plus a nalezite si uzivaju vsetky vyhody, ktore dom ponuka :) * ...this danish house is absolutely amazing and I hope you will agree with me too :) ...danish interior design is stunning and is famous his clean white lines which can see in whole interior of the house... ...the kitchen is fantastic, is simple and has wonderful color... of course, we see nice space, furniture and decorations in other rooms and I adore dining table :) people which live there, furnished nicely exterior too so I can and I have to say...