....tak a je to tu, vonku je coraz chladnejsie a chladnejsie a nasu optimisticku naladu drzi nad vodou zubate slniecko. Jesen je uz skoro tu, ved uz aj stromy sa zbavuju listia a tym navodzuju jesennu atmosferu. Tak podlahnime tejto atmosfere aj my a skusme si na jesen doplnit nas satnik napriklad o rolak, rolakove saty....inspiracii je tu dost, tak nech sa paci :) Prajem este krasny den! Lucia Albertine * ...the weather is colder and colder but we are optimists only thanks to sunshine. Autumn is coming, we can see the leaves fall from the trees, fall's atmosphere is around us. We can bring this atmosphere also into our wardrobes and we can buy new clothes f.e. the turtleneck....you can see nice inspirations below... Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via Pinterest