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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu júna 13, 2014

Nadherne leto / Lovely summer

Kazda zena chce vyzerat pekne a ma naozaj z coho vyberat, leto je tu a tu je mala inspiracia letnych siat... Uvidime sa v pondelok a prajem krasny a slnecny vikend! Lucia Albertine * Every woman wants to be beautiful all the time and summer is here and you can choose from this small inspiration... Have a lovely and sunny weekend! See you on Monday! Lucia Albertine Images via

Dom v skandinavskych farbach / House in scandinavian colors

Na piatok som vybrala velmi prijemny, pekny dom v typickych skandinavskych farbach. Je v nom vidiet primorsky styl, ale aj samotny styl dovtedajsich majitelov, kedze tentokrat je na predaj.  Milujem tento styl, nabytok a hlavne vyhlad z domu, ten je vazne ohromny.... Prajem Vam krasny den! Lucia Albertine * For today I have chosen very nice and comfortable house with traditional scandinavian colors. This house is for sale but the style of previous home owners is absolutely fantastic, I love this style, the furniture and especially the view from the is something magical... Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via Fantastic Frank

Krasny priestory kancelarie / Lovely space of office one firm

Znova krasny interier tentokrat firmy Yelp v San Franciscu. Ked je firma priestranna, skoda to nevyuzit a naozaj sa to krasne podarilo. Tu je potom radost chodit do prace. Co poviete? :) Prajem krasny piatok! Lucia Albertine * Again you can find nice office interior in this post. This lovely office is located in San Francisco, it is space of firm Yelp. The space is perfect and design is stunning, it is a pleasure to go to work here, what do you think? Have a lovely Friday! Lucia Albertine   Images via Interior Design Magazine Images by Jasper Sanidad Styling and Design by Studio O+A