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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu novembra 13, 2014

Amazing christmas decorations

Neskutocne mam rada vianocne dekoracie vyrobene vlastnymi silami, o to viac potesia a aj ocenia druhi clenovia rodiny. Neustale zasnem nad tym, ake mnozstvo inspiracii na tieto dekoracie existuju a ak aj vy ste sa rozhodli nieco pre vasu domacnost na Vianoce vytvorit, urcite neprehliadnite inspiracie uvedene nizsie :) * I love so much lovely christmas decorations in DIY projects. It is nice when you create some decorations by yourself. I believe that you will be happy for that and other members of family too.  I am surprised how many inspirations for christmas decorations exist, if you decide for DIY project please notice the inspirations below :) Images via Mason Jar

Collection Arkelstorp of IKEA

Tato seria ma uchvatila jednoznacne na prvy pohlad. Uz len preto, ze je prakticka a designovo je zvladnuta velmi krasne :) Designerka Ebba Strandmark vyrobila naozaj velmi krasny nabytok a hlavne kazdy kus je prakticky. A ako je nabytok krasny a nesie nazov Arkelstorp, tak aj svedske mesto toho isteho nazvu musi byt krasne :) * I fallen in love with this wonderful collection of IKEA. It is practical and design is wonderful. Designer Ebba Strandmark made wonderful furniture and especially each piece of that  is practical. I believe that swedish city Arkelstorp is as nice as this furniture :) Images via Ikea

Krasny, skandinavsky byt so sarmom / Beautiful scandinavian apartment with the charm

Tento svedsky byt ma urcite svoj sarm, ktory vidiet v jednotlivych izbach. Zaujme na prvy pohlad a mna si naozaj ziskal. Byt je bohaty na prijemnu atmosferu a energiu. Mna jednoznacne dostala spalna, home office, obyvacia izba s jedalenskym kutom. Vyzera fakt super, ja som velkym fanusikom ramov bez obrazu, vyzera to stylovo a cool :) * This swedish apartment has own style which we can see in each room. It is interesting and I love it so much. The apartment has lovely and pleasamt atmosphere and energy. I like the bedroom, home office, living room with nice dining corner. It looks perfect, I am big fan of the frame without image, it looks interesting and cool :) Images via Bjurfors

Cely a polovicny stol / Whole and half table

 Myslim, ze dansku designerku Cecile Manz nie je potrebne predstavovat. Je to velmi sikovna designerka, ktora bola ocenena mnohymi cenami za svoju dobru pracu. Mne sa velmi pacia jej produkty, no a tento stol zvlast. Setri priestor a mozete ho pouzit ako do velkeho, tak aj do maleho priestoru :) * I think that it is not necessary to introduce danish designer Cecile Manz. She is very clever designer which has received several awards. I love all her products and this one too :) This table saves the space, you can use it in bigger and smaller interior. I love these ideas like that :) Images via Danish Design Store, Google