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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu septembra 30, 2014

Babie leto / Lovely warm fall's weather

...uzasne pocasie, ake u nas panuje uz treti den. Dufam, ze vydrzi dlho, aby sme si mohli vychutnat naposledy pred zimou teple slnecne luce. Na taketo krasne pocasie su outfity uvedene nizsie ako stvorene, co myslite? Prajem este krasny zvysok dna! Lucia Albertine * ...we have wonderful weather already third day. I believe that this sunny weather will be long time before winter starts because I think it is last time before colder season. And the outfits below are nice for this time, what do you think? Have a nice rest of the day! Lucia Albertine Images via Pinterest

Fantasticky mensi skandinavsky byt / Fantastic smaller scandinavian apartment

Tento byt ma na predaj tentokrat realitna kancelaria Alexander White. A musim povedat, ze je absolutne uzasny.  Na prvy pohlad uputa pokojnou atmosferou, cistymi liniami a samozrejme svojim stylom. Je radost na tento byt pozerat a verim, ze je este vacsia radost tam byvat. Je to krasna inspiracia mensieho bytu..... * This apartment is in the offer for sale of Real Estate Agency Alexander White. And I have to say it is absolutely fantastic. This space is stunning and interesting for pleasant atmosphere, clean lines and the style. It is really big pleasure to watch this apartment and I guess it is bigger pleasure to live there. It is nice inspiration for smaller apartment... Images via Alexander White

Najkrajsi interier 2014 v Norsku / The most beautiful interior 2014 in Norway

Dobre rano! V jednom poste spred niekolkych tyzdnov som pisala o sutazi, ktoru mali rozbehnutu v Norsku a to o najkrajsi interier 2014. Tato sutaz je uz u konca a pozna svoju vitazku, musim povedat, ze bola aj mojim favoritom. Interier domacej pani je naozaj pekny a vkusny, co poviete ? Prajem krasny a slnecny den! Lucia Albertine Vitazkino video je prve v poradi :   * Good morning! I wrote about nice competition in Norway about the nicest interior 2014 in one post some weeks ago. This competition is closed and the winner has really  nice home. I have to say this home was my favorite. The style of housewife is perfect, what do you think? Have a nice and sunny day! Lucia Albertine The winner's wideo is first:   The infos from Boligpluss