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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu mája 7, 2015

Svedsky byt v zaujimavom interierovom designe / Swedish apartment in interesting interior design

...tento svedsky byt nachadzajuci sa v Goteborgu je viac ako zaujimavy, v kazdom pripade zaujme svojim stylom a nabytkom... to sice 2 - izbovy byt, rozlohovo vsak nepatri k tym mensim, comu nas presviedca samotna obyvacia izba...urcite nabytok a dekoracie uputaju pozornost a interier ma vdaka nim aj svoj smrnc :) pozornost urcite stoji aj spalna s home office, kde vidime neskutocne mnozstvo skvelych napadov :) ...cely tento byt je zaujimavy a urcite stoji za povsimnutie... * ...this swedish apartment is located in Gotheborg and is really interesting thanks to nice style and furniture... ...this flat is spacious, we can see lovely space in living room....the interior here is fantastic because the furniture and decorations are chosen nicely... ...we can not forget on pleasant bedroom with wonderful home office....this room is very nice and interesting with a lot of perfect ideas... Images via Lundin

House in the nature

 ...tento nadherny dom v nadhernej prirode sa nachadza v USA a vznikol v spolupraci Michael P Johnson a Stuart Parr Design... ...samozrejme to prave orechove dostal tento dom aj vdaka sklennym stenam a velkym oknam :) a tym sa svetlo krasne dostalo do interieru a vytvara krasnu atmosferu... ...tu je miesto na poukazanie, ze ako je velmi dobre zvladnuta architektura, tak nijako nezaostava ani interierovy naozaj na co sa pozerat :) * ...this house in wonderful nature is absolutely located in United States and collaboration of Michael P Johnson and Stuart Parr Design is fabulous.... ...of course...this house is lovely and interesting thanks to glass walls and big windows because the light creates fantastic atmosphere in every room... I believe that everybody agrees with one fact...the architecture and interior design is perfect :) Images via Home Dsgn