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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu júla 7, 2014

Elegancia sedej / Elegancy of grey

Na dnes som pre Vas vybrala outfity v mojej oblubenej farbe...sedej. Su priam excelentne, tak nech sa paci, trosku inspiracie :) Prajem este krasny zvysok dna! Lucia Albertine * For today I have chosen  nice outfits in my favourite color...grey. I have to say, these outfits are stunning :) Have a nice rest of the day! Lucia Albertine Image Images via Pinterest

Ocarujuci, dansky dom / Charming danish house

Na dnes som sa rozhodla uverejnit tento krasny, dansky dom, plny sarmu a pohody. Zaujme nielen interierom, ale aj exterierom. Aj predna terasa aj zadna je fantasticka, radost je tam posediet. Na prvy pohlad je tu viditelny vidiecky, nordicky, minimalisticky styl. Samozrejme zaujme aj kazda jedna izba svojou priestrannostou a vzdusnostou :) Veru, ja osobne by som si vedela predstavit tu byvat, ked uz nic ine, aspon na dve krasne letne mesiace. Lucia Albertine * I have decided to post very nice, danish charming house. I think it is interesting for nice interior and exterior as well. The terraces in front of the house and behind the house are perfect. It is very comfortable to sit there during summer evening. You can see minimalist, country nordic style. I love each room because each room is spacious and airy. :) I would like to live at least twoo summer months:) Lucia Albertine Images via Femina

Fantasticka stolicka / Fantastic chair

Dobre rano priatelia! Aky ste mali vikend? Ja sama ani neviem ako rychlo presiel a uz zase je tu pondelok, tak Vam prajem, aby ste do noveho pracovneho tyzdna vkrocili tou spravnou nohou.... Niekolkokrat vidim na obrazkoch na internete vela veci, ktore by som rada mala a je pravdou, ze vela z nich sa da spravit aj svojimi vlastnymi silami. Dnes Vam prinasam jeden velmi zaujimavy postup ako si spravit krasnu stolicku a ak budete mat cas a hlavne chut, tak hor sa na to :) Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine * Good morning friends! How was your weekend? My weekend finished very quickly :( I wish you to start this working week nicely and successfully.... When I see some nice images on internet I would like to have these nice and interesting things and decorations. It is true that some things I can do myself is some nice example how we can do nice chair. If you have a time  you can try it..... Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Imagges via F...