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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu septembra 18, 2015

Simple and white elegance of scandinavian apartment

Images via Alvhemmakleri ...znova mam tu moznost ukazat jeden skandinavsky byt, ktory nesie v sebe znamky jednoduchosti, elegancie a krasy snad na kazdom kroku.... ...tento byt sa nachadza v Goteborgu, je naozaj viac ako zaujimavy, budem sa zase opakovat, ale nevadi, neskutocne ma bavi aj skandinavska architektura, lebo ich domy su krasne, ciste linie su obdivuhodne a interiery su svieze a svetle... ....skandinavsky styl je velmi pohodlny a utulny, styling tohto bytu vyuziva samozrejme skandinavsky nabytok ( ved preco by aj nie, ved maju z coho si vyberat ), geometricke tvary a postery... * I have again one nice opportunity to show you amazing scandinavian apartment where we can see simplicity, beauty and elegance absolutely everywhere... ...this apartment is located in Gotheborg and is very interesting...I love so much scandinavian architecture because their houses are wonderful, fresh and light... ...scandinavian style is comfortable and cozy, styling used s...

Unbelievable bar in Australia

Images via Archdaily Photograph: Tom Blachford Architect: The Nelson / Techne Architecture ...tento bar je jeden z mnohych, ktory jednoznacne uputa svojim interierom...a zaujme hned na prvy pohlad, to sa musi nechat... ...architekt Dale McDougall pre interier vybral naozaj velmi dobre materialy akymi su tehly, beton a drevo a uz len tymto dal najavo, ze to bude viac nez kvalitne a prijemne prostredie...a je tomu rozhodne tak... ...sediet sa da ako pri stene, na barovych stolickach, tak aj na laviciach alebo pri bare...rozhodne uz len kvoli tomu prostrediu sa oplati tento bar navstivit...vyzera uzasne :) * ..this bar has absolutely fantastic atmosphere and interior.....and I think it will be interesting for everyone of us... ...the architect Dale McDougall chose very nice and good materials for interior as the brick, wood and concrete and created fantastic space of this bar... ...I love the opportunity to sit at the bar, on the benches and along the wall...I beli...