Dnes by som Vam chcela ukazat jeden krasny a dobre premysleny byt. Dobre premysleny preto, lebo je to maly byt, tak aby sa im tam vsetko zmestilo a dobre byvalo. Musim povedat, ze to zvladli velmi dobre. Ja ocenujem tehlove steny, nabytok, no a samozrejme cele riesenie spalne :) Co poviete, pekny je tento byt, vsak? Prajem krasnu nedelu! Lucia Albertina * I would like to show you today one beautiful scandinavian apartment which is small but well designed apartment. I love the brick walls, the furniture and the place for the bedroom... What do you think about this flat? Have a nice Sunday! Lucia Albertine , Images via Stadshem