Images via Boligmagasinet Photo by Kira Brandt fakt, ze skandinavske Vianoce stylovo patria ku tym najkrajsim a bol by hriech, keby som tento dom s nadhernym vianocnym stylingom a dekoraciami vynechala... ...s takymito krasnymi farbami a materialmi sa dokaze vycarit priam uchvatna atmosfera, drevo je proste naj...:) ....necham Vas vychutnavat si tieto fotky, ktore su plne inspiracii.... * is true that scandinavian Christmas are the best and fantastic and I have to post this so lovely and cute danish house which has wonderful christmas styling and decorations.... ...this house is clear proof that these nice colors and materials can create magical air....that's true...the wood is number 1.... take your time and have a look on these perfect images.....