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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu novembra 29, 2014

Nadherna vianocna atmosfera / Beautiful christmas atmosphere

Jednoznacne najkrajsie vianocnu atmosferu doplnaju dobre zvolene dekoracie a urcite by nemali u Vas chybat ani vianocne perniky v hocijakej podobe. Nizsie uvedene fotky su dobrou inspiraciou a hlavne patria do Vianoc :) Lucia Albertine * Right decorations create really lovely christmas atmosphere. I think nice christmas decorations must be in your homes. The decorations from gingerbreads are fantastic. You find some nice inspirations below :) Lucia Albertine Images via Skonahem

Nordicky dom s krasou vintage / Nordic house with beauty of vintage

Je to neskutocny nordicky dom, ktory uputa cloveka hned na prvy pohlad. A ja by som mohla vymenuvat izbu po izbe a vsetky veci, ale to iste aj sami zbadate, co je krasne v tomto dome, za mna len asi biela drevena podlaha, ktora je mojou srdcovkou, home office a dreveny nabytok... * It is unbelievable nordic house which everyone wants to see this beauty from the floor to the ceiling. I love absolutely all in this house because everything is wonderful. I like white wooden floor which is perfect, home office and wooden furniture... Images via Boligpluss

Neformalne restauracie so zaujimavym designom / Casual restaurants with interesting design

Dobre rano! Tak a je konecne vikend, pocas ktoreho uz zacina konecne adventne obdobie. Ja neviem ako Vam, ale mne ten cas strasne rychlo leti a ani sa nenazdam a bude koniec roka. A mozno aj dobre, dufam, ze v novom roku sa to tempo nejakym zazrakom spomali :) Na dnes som si pre Vas pripravila taku lahodku. Neskutocne krasne restauracie s lezernym stylom. Su naozaj krasne a prinutia cloveka sa aspon trocha pozastavit a prinutit vnimat krasu mozno aj tu, ktoru clovek ma ako sa hovori, rovno pod nosom :) Tak si vychutnajte aspon dva volne vikendove dni :) Lucia Albertine * Good morning! Finally it is weekend and advent starts this weekend....I don't know how is possible but time goes so fast and it will be the end of the year soon. And maybe it will be better because I hope the time miraculously slows down ... I have chosen really dainty for today. You can find nice restaurants with casual style in this post. The spaces are beautiful and I think photos will f...