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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu októbra 7, 2014

Dovtipny loft v Brooklyne / Savvy loft in Brooklyn

Architekti v Sabo povodne dostali zakazku len na premenu kupelne, ale uz ked doslo k buraniu, tak sa pred architektmi objavili nove moznosti, nove priestory, cim sa vlastne cely byt zvacsil. Takze majitelia nevahali a nemali ani preco, kedze pre rodinu s dvoma detmi potrebovali priestoru o cosi viac. Povodne to bola zlievaren na kovy, takze zaklady boli betonove, co sa dalo aj dobre vyuzit. Uz potom sa zamerali len na interier, pre ktory volili boxy uz len preto, lebo sa tak dal cely priestor rozdelit. Tym vzniklo miesto pre deti aj dospelych a hlavne sa ziskal ulozny a mimochodom, vyzera to fantasticky :) * Architects in Sabo received order only for change of bathroom. When they started to demolish the room, they saw fantastic new spaces and the apartment could be bigger. The owners of apartment didn't hesitate because they needed more space for them and their two children. The building was originally the metal foundry, foundations were from concrete, ...

Krasny modny doplnok / Beautiful fashion accessory

...ano, opasok je uzasny doplnok a v outfitoch vyzera skvelo, tak preco ho nenosit... * ...yes, the belt is fantastic accessory, it look so great in the outfits below, so you can try it too... Images via Pinterest

Farmhouse of the year 2014

Tento uzasny, moderny dom, kory spaja farmu, pracovisko a byvanie v jeden celok mozete najst severne od Kodane. Ma ho ''na svedomi'' Henning Larsen Architects a je to naozaj skvostne dielo. Myslim, ze fasada domu z cierneho skla zaujme kazdeho z nas. V celej stavbe sa odzrkadluju minimalizmus, ciste a jasne tvary, linie... Doraz sa kladol nielen na architekturu, ako dom bude vyzerat, ale aj na interier domu. Vsetko mal na starosti sef firmy Michael Ring, ktory navrhol aj kniznicu :) Cely dom je uzasny a nielen to, krasny priestor, linie a to naozaj krasna a ekologicka farma. * This amazing and modern house which combines farm, work space and living in one unit you can find north of Copenhagen. The company Henning Larsen Architect with his chef Michael Ring did very nice and good job.  I believe that the house facade from black glass is very interesting for everyone. We can see minimalism and clean lines in whole building.... The emphasi...

Moje oblubene vyrobky od by Lassen / My favourite products from by Lassen

Dobre rano! Myslim, ze kazdy pozna dansku spolocnost by Lassen .....mne osobne sa neskutocne paci ich praca, neustala snaha ako priviest kazdy jeden vyrobok ku dokonalosti, pouzity material, vsestranne vyuzitie, design a konecny look....a tieto ich vyrobky si ma jednoducho ziskali... Prajem krasny a slnecny den! Lucia Albertine * Good morning! I think that everyone knows this lovely danish company by Lassen....I adore their work, attempt to bring each product to perfection, used materials, versatile application, design and final look.... and these products are perfect for me... Have a nice and sunny day! Lucia Albertine Images via by