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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu decembra 3, 2014

Vianocny stromcek v DIY projektoch / Christmas tree in DIY project

Nie je nic krajsie ako si vyrobit  vianocne vyzdoby spolu so svojimi detmi. Niekolko skvely DIY projektov prinasam v tomto poste.  Prajem Vam prijemny zazitok! Lucia Albertine * It is really nice to take lovely time with children and create christmas tree in DIY projects. Some wonderful ideas you find in this post. Have a nice time! Lucia Albertine Images via BoligLiv

X- mas table settings

Je samozrejme, ze ked si davate na vianocnej vyzdobe zalezat, ze si isto - iste date zalezat aj na vianocnom stolovani.  Ak ste sa este nerozhodli aku vyzdobu stola zvolite tento rok, posielam Vam niekolko skvelych inspiracii a napadov, mojou srdcovkou su cierne pribory :) * If you want to have nice x-mas decoration, x-mas table setting must be absolutely perfect. I am sending some nice inspirations and great ideas and if you hesitate which decoration you can choose, have a look on it, I love black cutlery :) Images via Madbolig, Bobedre

Carovny svedsky byt / Magical swedish apartment

Na dnes som Vam pripravila krasny byt z ponuky na predaj Realitnej kancelarie Lundin. Je to naozaj krasa. Neskutocne sa mi paci drevena podlaha, drevene dvere, priestorove usporiadanie bytu. Kuchyna je krasna ako aj sedenie pri obloku.  Styl celeho bytu je pekny a aj nabytok je zvoleny velmi dobre. Je to naozaj krasny byt :) * For today I have prepared really wonderful swedish apartment from the offer of Real Estate Agency Lundin. I can say that it is big beauty. I love wooden floor, wooden doors, spatial arrangement of the apartment. The kitchen is stunning, I like sitting under the window. The style of the apartment is wonderful and the furniture is chosen nicely. It is really nice flat. :) Images via Lundin

Velmi nadherny strop jedneho butiku / Very interesting ceiling of one boutique

Strop tohto butiku je naozaj velmi zaujimavy az neobycajny. Butik sa nachadza v Cine a jeho vznik je viac ako pozoruhodny. Pracovala na nom architektonicka firma 3Gatti. Bola tu pouzita taka ista metoda ako v bazilike v Barcelone. Pricom sa metoda neaplikovala do kamena ako v Spanielsku, ale tentokrat sa pouzil laminat. Bola to jednoznacne skvela myslienka a skvela volba. Vysledok stoji za to, len tu pre mna vystava otazka, ze ci by som sa pozerala skor na oblecenie alebo na strop :) * The ceiling of the SND boutique is really interesting  and unusual. This boutique is located in China and the production of ceiling is very remarkable. The firm of Francesco Gatti 3Gatti did absolutely perfect job. He used the same method as people used during the construction of  basilica in Barcelona. The method was applied to the fiberglass. It was great idea and great choice. The result is perfect but when I visit the boutique I don't know if I will watch on ceiling or dresses. :)