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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu marca 28, 2014

Fantasticky byt s cistymi liniami / Fantastic apartment with clean lines

Zboznujem pribytky, kde mozeme citit atmosferu krasneho a utulneho domova. Vsade su krasne ciste a biele linie, uzasny jedalensky kutik, krasna a stylova detska izba a hlavne velmi pekne fotografie interieru ( tie su podstatne, lebo vedia vyzdvihnut alebo potopit interier )... Krasny piatok prajem! Vasa Lucia Albertine! * I adore the apartments or houses where we can feel the atmosphere of nice and cozy homes. We see wonderful white and clean lines, amazing dining table, stylish kids room and I can not forget..... these images of the interior are fantastic :) Have a nice Friday! Your Lucia Albertine Images via Peter Landgren

Najlepsi cas na vikendovy program / The best time for the weekend program

Konecne je coraz lepsie a lepsie a my si mozeme planovat vylety. Je piatok, najlepsi den na planovanie programu na vikend. Jednym z nich je, zobrat si bicykel a vyrazit do prirody a urobit si jeden alebo dvojdnovy vylet.....Moznosti je dost, tak prajem, aby bolo skvele pocasie :) Prajem krasny piatok a aby co najrychlejsie ubehol :) Vasa Lucia Albertine! * Finally, the time is better and better and we can plan the trips. Today is Friday, the best day to plan the weekend. We can get on the bicycle trip for 1 or 2 days...We have a lot possibilities, so I wish you a nice weather...:) Have a nice Friday ! Your Lucia Albertine