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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu októbra 21, 2014

Halloweenska vyzdoba u nas v skolke / Decoration for Halloween in our playschool

Uz sa to pomaly, ale isto blizi, aj ked popravde velmi pochybujem, ze male deti v skolke vedia a hlavne chapu o com je tento den. No ale pani ucitelky u nas v skolke pomenovali tieto tekvicky ako tekvickove kralovstvo, tak aspon z tohto hladiska budu mat tie male deti radost. Tekvicky a tekvice sa doniesli z domu, kde sa realizovali sikovni ockovia a starsi surodenci a aj nase tam tronia :) * Halloween is coming slowly but I doubt that little children know this day and know about what it is... But the theachers in our playschool named these pumpkins as pumpkin's kingdom. So I believe that our children will have big pleasure. Small and big pumpkins are from homes of children where clever fathers or older brothers created it and our pumpkins are there too...:)

Zaujimavy skandinavsky byt, ktory nikdy nebude nudit / Interesting scandinavian flat which never be boring

Tento byt patri k tym mensi, ale o to viac zaujimavejsim.  Ma v sebe naozaj smrnc, eleganciu, napaditost, prijemne farby a aj materialy. Ako som spomenula, je viac ako zaujimavy. Svojim podorysom nikdy nebude nudit :), aj ked je pravda, ze clovek si podla fotiek musi davat pozor, kde je aka izba, ale inak je to v pohode. Velmi sa mi paci obyvacka a skryte miesto lenosenia, kde sa da dostat jedine rebrikom :), tehly jednoliata podlaha a biela farba.... * This apartment is smaller but more interesting than other flats. This space is chic, elegant, we can find here a lot of ideas and inspirations, lovely colors and materials. As I have noticed, the flat is interesting, his footprint is cool but someone needs to be attentive because can have a problem with an orientation according to images....I love the living room and hidden place for relax where you can use only the ladder, bricks, floor and white color.... Images via fastighetsbyr...

Perfektne postele / Perfect beds

Myslim, ze kazdy by chcel mat jednoznacne tu najlepsiu a najpohodlnejsiu postel. Ved  kazdy sa tuzi co najlepsie vyspat, aby nacerpal sil do dalsieho pracovneho dna alebo dna s malymi detmi. Do tejto kategorie podla mna jednoznacne patri kazda jedna tato postel, uz len preto, ze vyzeraju skvelo :) * I think everyone wants to have the best bed because wants to sleep good and comfortably. Everyone needs a lot of energy for next working day or for day with little children :) I think every bed below is in this category ( the best bed ) because looks nice and perfectly :)  Jonas Bjerre - Polsen  Julia Fellner Patricia Urquiola Othilia Decor Julia Fellner Eoos    Odo Fiovaranti Zanotta K and M Hagberg Mauro Lipparini Vrtiska Zak Nendo Images via