....your attention has to be grabbed by this lovely and airy scandinavian apartment.....I fallen in love immediatelly when I saw some pictures from the interior... ...oh yes, the rooms are really fabulous, especially the bedroom which we can see on first photos... ...dark color was chosen nicely with high impression of scandinavian feelings.....if dark color is in combination with light colors the result of interior has to be fantastic... ...I love the elegance which we can see in whole space, in every room ...the living room is absolutely amazing and don't forget to the kitchen...we can see perfect ideas for every room in scandinavian atmosphere.... * ...tento byt je naozaj fantasticky a uputa nas priam okamzite....mne osobne nebolo velmi treba a zamilovala som sa don priam okamzite....a niet sa comu cudovat, pretoze kazda jedna izba je uzasna a zvlast spalna, pri ktorej sa musime pozastavit hned na prvych fotografiach interieru... ...ja osobne som velkym fanus...