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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu novembra 8, 2014

Casual style

Je fajn, ked si clovek moze obliect pohodlne, lezerne oblecenie. Faktom je, ze to nie je look do prace, ale o to je viac oblubeny. Teda aspon u mna... Inspiracie uverejnene nizsie su fantasticke, co poviete? Uzite si vikend! Lucia Albertine * It is absolutely fantastic when it is possible to forget on office look and take a comfortable clothes. It is great for going outside with friends or going to the cinema,.... I love this style, is absolutely perfect :) The inspirations below are fantastic, what do you think? Enjoy your weekend! Lucia Albertine Images via Pinterest

Niekolko skvelych a napomocnych napadov pre poschodove postele / Some great and helpful ideas for bunk beds

Poschodove postele su strasne fajn, jednak v tom, ze uzasne riesia priestor, ale aj su ovela viac zabavne pre deti. V blizkej buducnosti mna aj mojho manzela caka rozhodnutie ako poriesime detsku izbu pre nascih 2 chalanov a samozrejme ako to budeme riesit aj s postelami. Ja som sice neni stotoznena s poschodovymi postelami, ale ak by som mala na vyber z nizsie uverejnenymi postelami, tak neviem neviem, ci by som sa na ne aj nedala prehovorit :) * Bunk beds are really perfect because the space in the room is solved nicely and these beds are more fun for children. Me and my husband, we have to decide how to solve the kids room and the beds for our boys. I am not decided for bunk bed yet, in any case, if I had to choose from the following beds , so it would be easier ....:) Images via Skona hem

Krasny, svedsky byt s pokojnou atmosferou / Nice, swedish apartment with serene atmosphere

Znova Vam vyberam prijemny byt z ponuky realitnej kancelarie Alvhemmakleri. Nachadza sa v Goteborgu a ma uzasne farby ako biela, seda a cierna. Cely byt je priestranny, vzdusny. Uchvatna je obyvacia izba, v ktorej sa nachadza aj relaxacna zona, co vyznie zaujimavo a pekne :)  Zaujimavo takisto vyzneju sede steny, miestnost ma potom svoje vlastne caro. Mne osobne sa nesmierne pacia vesiaky, dekoracie ako rebrik a samozrejme podlahy :) * I have chosen again another interesting apartment from the offer for sale of Real Estate Agency Alvhemmakleri.  Whole apartment is spacious and airy. Living room is cool, there is also relaxing zone, it looks fabulous. :) I think that grey walls look perfect and each room has typical magic. I like the hangers, decoration as the ladder and then the floor...of course :) Images via Alvhemmakleri

Krasny, maly byt v Parizi / Beautiful and small parisian apartment

Pariz je miesto, ktore je krasne samo o sebe a este sa tam nachadzaju aj krasne byty. Jednym z nich je aj tento. Je sice maly, ale o to viac zaujimavy. Designerka Marianne Evennou sa prace zhostila naozaj velmi dobre, priestor vyriesila najlepsie ako mohla, odlahcila ho tym, ked spalnu umiestnila hore. Miesto pre kuchynu nasla dobre a samozrejme, co ja najviac ocenujem je vyber dekoracii, nabytku a textilii. :) * Paris is the place which is so interesting and nice and there are a lot of perfect apartments. One of them is today's apartment. It is small space but very interesting. Designer Marianne Evennou did very nice job, the space is solved nicely. The bedroom is upstairs and looks interesting. She found good place for the kitchen and I love all decorations, furniture and textiles :) Images via Skonahem Designer Marianne Evennou