...tradicna cierno - biela elegancia sa najma v severskych interieroch nezunuje snad nikdy....a je to len stastie, pretoze by nam tato krasa naozaj chybala.... ...aj ten, kto nie je jej velkym fanusikom pri pohlade na dnesny interier pride na to, ze preco sa cierno - bielej kombinacii priraduje prvotne miesto v interieroch....nie je sa comu cudovat, pretoze tento byt je zariadeny s citom, v krasnom style a co ja ocenujem su geometricke tvary, styling s fotografiami, ci postermi a samozrejme krasny nordicky nabytok...radost pozerat... * ...traditional black and white combination is very favourite in nordic countries and it is cool because this beauty could be missing.... ...if you watch the images below you will understand why black and white combination has first place in the interior's styling... ...today's apartment is arranged very nicely with high feeling, in nice style and what I love so much here are geometric shapes in the accessories, styling with the ...