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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu marca 26, 2014

Neskutocny, svetly skandinavsky byt / Unbelievable light scandinavian apartment

WOW, tak toto je nadherny priestor....kazda jedna izba vkusne zariadena od podlahy az po strop. Krasna izba je obyvacia, vratane krasneho krbu, nezvycajneho konferencneho stolika...takisto sa mi velmi paci aj spalna, uz len preto, ze posobi vzdusne a prijemne, samozrejme prijemnemu byvaniu napomozu dekoracie a v tomto pripade velku ulohu zohrali kvety.... Aj Vam sa paci tento  byt? Vasa Lucia Albertine * WOW, this is so beautiful space...every room is arranged perfect from floor to ceiling. The living room is so stunning, I love the fireplace, unusual coffee table....I like the bedroom too because it looks so airy and pretty....surely, the decorations are needed, the flowers are so beautiful in this apartment.:) Do you like this apartment? Your Lucia Albertine Images via Bjurfors

...cierna a biela v obleceni / black and white in clothing

Kedze zostavam verna svojej oblubenej farebnej kombinacii, tak sa to prejavuje aj v obleceni a kedze teplejsie pocasie tu bude uz naozaj coskoro, tak sa uz musim po veciach aj obzerat, nateraz mi padol za "obet" obchod HM..... Prajem krasny den! Vasa Lucia Albertine * I love black and white combination not only in the interior but I love it in clothing too. We have warmer and warmer weather so I have to chose my dress for summer. This choice is from H&M.. Have a nice day! Your Lucia Albertine Images via H&M