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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu júla 12, 2014

Klobuk vo Vasom outfite / Hat in your outfit

Myslim si, ze klobuk ma svoje opravnene zastupenie v mode a dodava kazdemu jednemu outfitu osobity smrnc. A ak ho este nemate vo svojom satniku, skuste si ho zadovazit, uvidite ten skvely vysledok.... Lucia Albertine * I think every woman looks very chic with hat....If you don't have yet the hat in your wardrobe, watch nice inspirations below...these outfits are great :) Lucia Albertine Images via Pinterest

Svedsky romanticky byt / Swedish romantic apartment

Tento byt uputa hned na prvy pohlad. Jednak so vstupom do bytu a na druhej strane svojou carovnou atmosferou. Je to prijemny, biely, minimalisticky interier, kde vsetku krasu podciarkuje pekne vyuzitie svetla, zaujimave stoly v obyvacej izbe a nadherna mala zahradka za domom.... Prajem krasnu sobotu ! Lucia Albertine * This apartment is very interesting for entrance of flat and of course for magical atmosphere. It is very lovely, white, minimalist interior where we can find wonderful light, interesting tables in the living room and beautiful small garden behind the house..... Have a nice Saturday ! Lucia Albertine   Images via Fantastic Frank

Skvely DIY projekt / Great DIY project

Dobre rano! Tak konecne vikend uz zacal, tak Vam prajem, aby bol co najkrajsi a hlavne najdlhsi :)..... Vcera mi padol do oka tento skvely DIY projekt. Ak sa Vam Vasa izba zda nudna a potrebujete ju ozivit, kludne siahnite po tapete, stetci a farbe, fantazii sa medze nekladu.... Lucia Albertine * Good morning! Finally the weekend is started ...yupiiiiii I saw this great DIY project yesterday. If you think that your room is boring, you take wallpapers, brush, interesting color, use your imagination and your room will be nice... I wish you nice and long weekend! Lucia Albertine Images via Femina