...na zaver pracovneho tyzdna by som chcela uverejnit tento velmi zaujimavy svedsky byt... zaujme jednoznacne svojim priestorovym usporiadanim a bielym interierom :) ... biela farba je krasna, skandinavska a kazdemu interieru dodava eleganciu a smrnc :) ...ja som velkym fanusikom keramickych kozubov :) a spalna vyznie s nim fantasticky... ...velmi dobre je vyriesena kuchyna obyvacia izba, kazdy je cm2 je dobre vyuzity, priestor posobi harmonicky a ucelene :) no a nakoniec je jasne, ze musim pochvalit neskutocnu bielu, drevenu podlahu, ta je uchvatna ...:) Prajem Vam krasny a konecne slnecny a teply vikend! Lucia Albertine * I would like to show you this nice and interesting swedish flat at the end of working week...:) I believe that the attention of each visitor wiil be grab by interesting spatial arrangement and nice white interior... ...lovely scandinavian white color creates pleasant atmosphere and give the elegance to each room... I am big fan of cer...