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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu apríla 8, 2015

Blogger roka / Blogger of the year

Zdravim! Prave v tychto dnoch je v priebehu sutaz o bloggera roka v jednotlivych kategoriach, prihlasena som aj ja a ak mate cas, prosim zahlasujte za tento blog prave tu:   kliknutim na tlacidlo facebook :) Dakujem :) * Hello! We have nice competition of blogger of the year in some nice categories and my blog is there if you have a time, please.... please click on: on button of facebook :) Thank you!

Nadherny skandinavsky interier / Beautiful scandinavian interior

...tento uzasny svedsky byt musi zaujat snad kazdeho a na inspiraciu je uzasny :)... ...samozrejme v obyvacej izbe zaujme luster, je to krasny skvost a kludne mozeme pokracovat dalej... dalsimi vecami, ktore na tomto byte milujem su stylovost, napaditost a celkovy design kazdej jednej izby :) urcite sa nebudete nudit pri prezerani fotiek z bytu, tak vela zabavy :) * ...this swedish apartment is amazing and I believe is interesting for everyone :) ...the chandelier is a big treasure in the living room and we can find a lot of nice and interesting things in each room... I like style, design a a lot of nice ideas in this flat and I have to say that designer did nice job because created perfect and pleasant atmosphere :) have a nice fun during watching these lovely images! Images via Lundin

Severska designerska krasa / Scandinavian designer's beauty tejto stolicke clovek moze aj oci nechat :) to naozaj krasa, stolicka Modo 290 bola vytvorena v roku 1966 designerom Steen Østergaard... vhodna ako pre interier, tak aj pre exterier a je perfektna v akejkolvek farbe.... ...naozaj, tento kusok sa veeeelmi vydaril :) Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine * ...this chair is absolutely fantastic and I believe that everyone of us would like to have this chair at home... ...Modo 290 was created by designer Steen Østergaard in 1966.. is available for interior and for exterior too and is perfect in any color:)  ...really this product is so stunning :) Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via designfund