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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu októbra 27, 2014

Najvhodnejsia jesenna moda na sychrave slnecne dni / Lovely fall's fashion for colder sunny days

Nie je nic krajsie ako si uzit jesenne slnecne luce, aj ked v tychto dnoch uz i tak velmi neohreju. Ale najviac sa rata este stale to, ze slniecko svieti a dazd sa dostal do uzadia spolu s vetrom, ved minuly tyzden sme si ich uzili viac ako dost. Nizsie najdete krasne inspiracie ako zostat krasna pocas tychto slnecnych dni... * It is nice to have lovely fall's sunny rays but it is fact that these sunny rays are colder and colder. But what is important is that the sun shines and we have beautiful typical fall's weather... You find nice inspirations below how to be nice during these fall's days....   Images via Pinterest

Krasa starych domov / Beauty of older houses

Milujem stare domy, ich architekturu a krasu. Tento dom v nasom meste mam uz na ociach dlhsie a tak velmi by som sa chcela pozriet dovnutra. Ale zial pri foteni som narazila na plot a zamknutu branu, takze som si mohla pofotit len exterier a aj to vdaka zivemu plotu som vela nevidela. Ale nevadi....snad sa mi podari raz dostat dovnutra a bolo by skoda ho dat zburat, uz sa v nom dlhy cas nebyva, je neudrziavany, ale i tak zaujimavy :) * I love older houses, their architecture and beauty. I notice this old house ( 20 - 30 years of 20 century ) a long time, I would like to see the interior but it wasn't possible....there is a fence and locked gate :( so I took the images only from exterior. I hope that this house will not be demolished, is empty several decades....but is very, very interesting:) Images vi Trendesso

Cierna a biela jednoduchost / Black and white simplicity

Cierna, biela a seda dokazu zazraky nielen v mode, ale tieto farby dokazu hotove zazraky aj v interieri.  Ja som ich caru prepadla uz davnejsie, ale kazdym dnom sa neustale presviedcam, ze tieto farby su nositelmi elegancie a krasy. Cely dnesny byt poukazuje na fakt, ze ked zvolime tieto farby, nas domov sa stava utulnym a zaujimavym zaroven. Samozrejme je vhodne zvolit aj prislusny nabytok a dekoracie, ale minimalizmus podciarkuje pravidlo, ze v jednoduchosti je krasa :) Ale nic nepokazime, ked dame nasmu interieru aj nadych sibalstva a zaujimavosti napriklad tym, ze k jedalenskemu stolu zvolime rozdielne stolicky, nezabudnime na obrazy a ich spravne rozmiestnenie v jednotlivych miestnostiach..... * Black, grey and white colors are interesting not only  in fashion but also in the interiors. I love these colors already a long time and every day persuades me that these colors are sign of elegance and beauty. Whole today's flat shows one fact, this home is thanks...

Knihkupectvo v Brazilii / Bookshop in Brazil

Studio MK27 vytvorilo velmi carovne miesto pre vsetkych fanusikov knih, ktori sa chceli na jednom mieste stretavat aj s priatelmi a aj mat po ruke zaujimave knihy. Myslim, ze designeri urobili naozaj velky kus kvalitnej prace. V budove sa mozu konat kulturne udalosti, nachadza sa tam zahradna kaviaren, zakaznici tu mozu najst komiksy a hracky. Knihy su usporiadane prehladne a zakaznici mozu najst knihy aj bez asistencie predavaca. Co sa tyka architektury, ta je zvladnuta bravurne a cela budova posobi excelentne :) * Studio MK27 created really magical cultural space for everyone who is fan of books, for everyone who wants to meet their friends and study interesting books in the same time :) I think the designers did very nice and quality work. In the building can be cultural events, there is garden cafe and the customers can find comics and toys here. The books are arranged transparently and people find the books without assistance.  The architecture is perfect ...