Images via Notar ...aj dnes by som Vam velmi rada ukazala uzasnu a sviezu atmosferu svedskeho bytu, ktory je sice rozlohou mensi, ale stoji naozaj za to :) ...cierno - biela kombinacia napoveda, ze skandinavska elegancia je jednoznacne neprekonatelna... ...aj izby su pomensie, ale styling kazdej jednej z nich je zvoleny velmi dobre a ako postery, tak aj jednotlive dekoracie, ci kusky nabytku dodavaju celemu priestoru neodolatelnu atmosferu... * ...I would like to show you also today really nice, fresh and amazing atmosphere of one swedish is true...this flat is smaller but the images of it are fabulous... and white combination shows perfect scandinavian elegance.... ...the rooms are smaller but the styling is chosen nicely...the posters and some decorations or some pieces of furniture give to whole space perfect magical look....