Helsinske designerske studio Studio Puisto stoji za projektom uzasneho hotela Dream hotel. Tento 20 - izbovy hotel sa nachadza v Tamper, vo Finsku. Je umiestneny v priemyselnej budove, ktora ma zaujimavy design a takisto je ponaty aj celkovy interier hotela. Designeri v celom hoteli pouzili prirodny material, kladli doraz na pohodlie nielen na izbach, ale aj na chodbach, kde navrhli zaujimavy sposob oddychu, sedenia. Tie su totiz navrhnute ako spolocenske miestnosti. Cely hotel je uzasny a designerska firma zvolila velmi krasny nabytok, Wooden cocoon chairs su priam fantasticke.... * Helsinki's designer studio Studio Puisto arranged one amazing hotel in Tamper, Helsinki in fantastic way. This Dream hotel has 20 rooms and is placed in industrial building. Whole industrial building has lovely design and interior of hotel is the same interesing and fabulous atmosphere. Designers used natural materials, timber. We can see the comfort really everywhere.....in the rooms, o...