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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu januára 25, 2015

...jar v interieri / ...the spring in the interior

...popravde sa ja osobne uz jari neviem dockat, jednak preto, ze je to moje najoblubenejsie rocne obdobie a jednak aj preto, ze tohtorocna zima je nemastna - neslana...( aspon u nas ) ked sa pozriem von oknom, este si na jar pockam, ale doma si to mozeme zutulnit aj takto, ved kde-tu uz aj baburiatka zacali kvitnut :) * ...I would like to have the spring already because it is my favourite season and because the winter was only in the calendar...( it was absolutely bad for children ) everyone who loves the spring can do small decorations in the houses or apartments..then our interiors look nicier and cozier :) Images via Skona hem

Nadherny svedsky byt v okuzlujucej farebnej kombinacii / Lovely swedish flat in magical color's combination

...toto je byt, na ktory fanusik interieroveho designu musi povedat iba to, ze je okuzlujuci, su tu krasne vysoke stropy, nadherna podlaha a priestor je krasne vyuzity, samozrejme, ze nas pohlad sa zastavi v krasnom spalnovom kutiku, kde styling s ruzovou, sedou a bielou je viac ako fascinujuci :) samozrejme, ze aj zvysna cast izby je krasna a vonkoncom sa netreba tejto farebnej kombinacii branit :) * ..this is apartment which is wonderful and every fan of interior's design has to say WOW :) there is high ceiling, lovely space, white floor and of course bedroom's corner is amazing thanks to color's combination of white, grey and pink and the result is stunning... we can not forget on other part of room which is nice too and I can say this whole apartment is more than amazing :) Images via FF

Merano armchair a toto je stolicka, ktora musi snad kazdemu padnut do oka,  jej designerom je Alexander Gufler a je to naozaj krasne dielo z preglejky s drevenym ramom... Merano armchair vyznie ako skvost v interieri, to sa musi nechat :) Krasnu nedelu prajem! Lucia Albertine * ....oh, this armchair is absolutely perfect and I think everyone of us has to love this beauty :) designer of Moreno armchair is Alexander Gufler and is made from plywood with wooden frame.... Merano looks as a jewel in each interior, what do you think? Have a nice Sunday! Lucia Albertine Images via alexandergufler Pictures by Lukas Pelech