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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu septembra 10, 2014

Nadherne a pohodlne outfity / Nice and comfortable outfits

....milujem outfity, ktore su aj pohodlne a aj vyzeraju sexy, cool a a tieto, ktore su uvedene nizsie splnaju vsetky myslite? :) Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine * ...I love the outfits which look comfortable, sexy and elegant .....and I think these outfits below have these properties...What do you think! Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via Pinterest

Stylovy, svedsky byt / Stylish, swedish apartment

Zdravim! Dnes by som Vam chcela ukazat jeden velmi pekny, zaujimavy, svedsky byt. Je sice pomensi, ale to mu nijako v krase neubera, prave naopak. Mna zaujal tento byt kvoli priestorovemu rieseniu. Spalna patri k malym izbam, ale velmi dobre si poradili s nedostatkom miesta a je z nej velmi vkusna, stylova izba. :) Samozrejme, neda si nevsimnut obyvaciu izbu, kde je viacero zaujimavych kuskov. Jednym z nich je konferencny stolik, ten je vazne svetovy :), stolicka, lampa a pracovny kutik....:) * Hello! Today I would like to show you one lovely, interesting, swedish apartment. It is smaller flat but very nice. This flat is interesting for me thanks to space. I love the bedroom, this room is small but inhabitants know to do really cute, stylist room from that... Of course we have to notice cool living room where we can find a lot of nice pieces. One of them is coffee really stunning, then the chair, lamp and home office..:) ...

Jesenna kolekcia 2014 od Normann Copenhagen / Fall's collection 2014 of Normann Copenhagen

Normann Copenhagen predstavuje na tuto jesennu sezonu uzasny design. Kolekcia je ovplyvnena tvarmi, materialmi, kazdodennym zivotom. Zameriava sa na radosti obycajneho cloveka ako si napriklad dopriat cas na dobru kavu s priatelmi, travit cas s rodinou na kvalitnej sedacke, pri dobrej knihe... Design je naozaj kvalitny a radost pozerat ako na material, tak aj farby, co poviete? Prajem krasnu stredu! Lucia Albertine * Normann Copenhagen presents really nice fall's collection. Design has high quality of materials, shapes and every day life. This collecion shows how to enjoy the coffee with friends, time with family or to read nice book...Collection includes blankets, vases, storage boxes, kitchen accessories... What do you think about that? Have a nice Wednesday! Lucia Albertine Images via Normann Copenhagen