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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu novembra 7, 2014

My wishlist from IKEA

Dufam, ze sa mi v blizkej buducnosti podari ist do Bratislavy a navstivit obchodny dom IKEA. Ved je najvyssi cas, Vianoce sa blizia, treba pokupit ako darceky, tak aj vianocne dekoracie. Vy ste na tom ako? Uz mate povyberane vianocne darceky pre blizkych? Prajem krasny vikend! Lucia Albertine * I hope I will chance to go to Bratislava and visit shopping centrum IKEA. It is time because Christmas time is coming and is necessary to buy some presents and christmas decorations. And what about you? Did you choose some presents for your family already? Have a nice weekend! Lucia Albertine Images via IKEA

Inspiracie pre carovne spalne / Inspirations for magical bedrooms

Su to naozaj krasne a neskutocne spalne. Inspiracie ako stvorene na to, aby sme si zariadili nasu spalnu aspon podla jednej :). V kazdom pripade, kazda jedna spalna ma aspon jeden skvely napad, ci uz su to palety alebo tmave steny, pletene deky, inspiracie su vazne super :) * These bedrooms are lovely and stunning. The inspirations are fantastic, nice models as you can arranged your bedroom. In any case I love the ideas f.e. the pallets, black walls, boxes as a bedside table, knitted blanket... The inspirations are nice and full of ideas...:) Images via Skona hem

Priestranny a krasny svedsky byt / Spacious and nice swedish apartment

Prinasam Vam dalsi priklad svedskeho starsieho bytu, v ktorom zije mlada rodina. Nachadza sa v Goteborgu a je fakt uzasny, co sa tyka architektury a velkosti. Vidime v nom aj designerske kusky od Ikea, Design Letters, Ferm Living...... Mne osobne sa paci priestranna jedalen a spalna, no a samozrejme uzasna stolicka Butterfly :) * Today's flat is absolutely amazing, older which is situated in Gotheburg. This apartment is absolutely stunning, I mean the architecture and the space. We can see here lovely designer's pieces of IKEA, Design Letters, Ferm Living... I love so much spacious dining room, the bedroom and of course the Butterfly chair :) Mne Images via Alvhemmakleri

Skvely a napadity mini byt / Great mini flat with a lot of ideas

Tento zaujimavy byt sa nachadza v Parizi a rozklada sa na 8 m2. Je pravda, ze je sotva pre jedneho cloveka, ale je jasnym dokazom toho, ze clovek vela k zivotu nepotrebuje a ked si veci dokaze pekne ulozit, tak aj miesto zostane. Je to skvely a dobre premysleny byt :) Prajem krasny piatok! Lucia Albertine * This interesting apartment is located in Paris and has 8 m2. It is true that is only for one person. It is evidence that we don't very much things for our lives and if we put it on the shelves nicely we save a lot of spaces. It is really perfect apartment with a lot of ideas...:) Have a nice Friday! Lucia Albertine Images via Klikk