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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu augusta 25, 2015

Scandinavian apartment with great ideas

Images via Home Designing ...osobne si myslim, ze tento nordicky byt chyti za srdce naozaj neuveritelny...v krasnych farbach so zaujimavym designom... * ...I think that this nordic apartment grab the attention of every fan of this is unbelievable space in lovely colors with interesting design... ...tento byt je plny skvelych napadov, ale tento, co sa tyka postele na poschodi spolu so satnikom pod schodami je priam skvely :)... * ...this apartment is full of great ideas and the idea about the bed of pallets on the floor and the closet under the stairs is absolutely fantastic... ...dekoracie su fantasticke v celom byte, podciarkuju styl priestoru a davaju mu ako smrnc, tak aj vynimocnost.... * ...the decoration are fantastic in whole apartment, give to the space elegance and exceptionality... ...tapety v podobe vyrokov mozeme vidiet v obyvacej miestnosti a je to fakt skvela inspiracia... ...

Great ideas how to create lovely garden

Images via Google ...tento post patri ludom, ktori maju jednoznacne blizko ako k interierovemu designu, tak ani exterier im nie je fajn, ked sa ludia staraju o svoje zahrady a ak patrite ku tym, ktori nevedia ako na to, mam tu niekolko skvelych tipov z radu DIY, tak sa nechajte len inspirovat :) * ...this blogspot is for people who love interior design and garden's design is great if people decorate their gardens and create their lovely and favourite place for relax and if you don't have any ideas for can find some perfect inspirations of DIY projects....