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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu novembra 11, 2014

Cierno - biele vianocne dekoracie / Black and white christmas decorations

Kto ma rad ciernu a bielu farbu v interieri a aj dekoracie, nemusi sa ich vzdat ani na Vianoce. Istotne to vyznie zaujimavo a pekne, len treba mat napady a inspiracie ako na to :) Ak ste sa rozhodli alebo este rozhodujete pre tuto farebnu kombinaciu, neobchadzajte inspiracie uvedene nizsie :) Lucia Albertine * If you love black and white colors also in the interior and black and white decorations, you can decide also for black and white christmas decorations. In any case, it looks nice and interesting but the ideas and inspirations are needed. Are you decided already for this color combination? So notice some nice inspirations below :) Lucia Albertine Images via Pinterest

Svieze smoothie / Fresh smoothie

Je to jeden z mojich najoblubenejsich napojov a tu Vam ponukam niekolko receptov: JABLKOVO - ZAZVOROVE SMOOTHIE  4 pohare 4 jablka 500g jahod zazvor 4 mini salky mlieka Nakrajame jablka na stvrtky a nastruhame na hrubom struhadle. Pridame jahody, zazvor, jablka a mlieko vyslahame v mixeri ma hustu smoothie. BROKOLICA A JABLKA  4 pohare 1 velka brokolica  8jablk zazvor mata Rozdelime brokolicu na ruzicky a nakrajame jablka na stvrtky . Brokolicu, zazvor a jablka dame do odstavovaca a podavame s matou. LESNE OVOCIE 4 pohare 500g cucoriedok 400g malin 4 salky bieleho jogurtu 2 lyzice sirupu agave Lesne ovocie dame do odstavovaca a zmiesame na hustu smoothie. Podavame v pohari, do ktoreho pridame niekolko kvapiek agave sirupu. * Fresh smoothie is one of my favourite drinks so here are some nice recipes Apples&Ginger 4 cups 4 apples 500g of strawberry ginger 4 mini cups of milk Cut the apples

Carovny a elegantny svedsky interier / Magical and elegant swedish interior

Na dnes sa mi podarilo najst velmi prijemny a krasny interier, ktory potesi snad vsetkych. Je velmi zaujimavy a mozeme tu najst krasne kusky nabytku ako aj napady. Mna zaujali najma svetla vo vsetkych miestnostiach, ale najma nad jedalenskym stolom a mojho manzela zase umiestnenie bik-u na stene :) Tento byt si ma ziskal svojim krasnym minimalistickym stylom :) * I have chosen really nice and pleasant swedish interior and I think it will be for your pleasure too :) It is very interesting and we can discover here beautiful peaces of furniture and a lot of lovely ideas. I am interested in the lights in each rooms especially I love the lights above the dining table and my husband loves the placement of the bike on the wall :) I adore this apartment for nice minimalist style :) Images via Bo-laget

Skrina, ktora sa da lahko preniest / The wardrobe for easy transportation

Tato skrina je uzasna a napad na tuto pohotovu skrinu sa skrsol v hlave holandskej designerky Renate Nederpel. Je vyrobena z lanu a stoji na nohach z borovice.  Tieto drevene nohy prechadzaju celou strukturou skrine tak, aby ta  mohla stat na mieste. Samozrejme po stranach tkaniny museli byt nechane strbiny ako pre drevo., tak aj pre vesiaky. :) Myslim, ze fanusikov si ziska aj tym, ze nie je komplikovana pre prepravu. * This wardrobe is absolutely amazing and the idea for this perfect project was in head of dutch designer Renate Nederpel. It is made from linen and has wooden legs from pine. These legs passed the whole structure for easier placement in one place. Of course we can find in fabric slots also for hangers. I think the fans will love this wardrobe especially for easier transportation. Images via Dezeen