Kto by sa nechcel vo svojej kuchyni citit dobre? Verim, ze vsetci by sa chceli citit fajn a prijemne s celou svojou rodinou a aby bola radost v tej danej kuchyni aj varit :) Vsetko je to len o tom, ci je dana kuchyna nasa vysnivana alebo na renovaciu este len cakame. Ak na nu este len cakate, tak urcite porozmyslajte o farbe kuchynskej linky, lebo ja ked som zbadala tuto krasnu zltu, hned som mala lepsiu naladu a hlavne energiu. A rozmyslam ako rozmyslam, tej mojej tmavsej kuchyni ( vdaka prizemiu ) by tato zlta len prospela, ALE podotykam, musela by byt v kombinacii so sedou... * I think everyone wants to feel very well in the kitchen with all members of the family and of course where will be nice to cook. :) Everything is about one fact...if you have your dream kitchen or you still wait for renovation of the kitchen. If you are in the second category, think about the color of kitchen unit. Why it is important ? When I saw this perfect yellow kitchen unit I had more e...