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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu októbra 23, 2014

Svieza atmosfera vo Vasej kuchyni / Fresh atmosphere in your kitchen

Kto by sa nechcel vo svojej kuchyni citit dobre? Verim, ze vsetci by sa chceli citit fajn a prijemne s celou svojou rodinou a aby bola radost v tej danej kuchyni aj varit :) Vsetko je to len o tom, ci je dana kuchyna nasa vysnivana alebo na renovaciu este len cakame. Ak na nu este len cakate, tak urcite porozmyslajte o farbe kuchynskej linky, lebo ja ked som zbadala tuto krasnu zltu, hned som mala lepsiu naladu a hlavne energiu. A rozmyslam ako rozmyslam, tej mojej tmavsej kuchyni ( vdaka prizemiu ) by tato zlta len prospela, ALE podotykam, musela by  byt v kombinacii so sedou... * I think everyone wants to feel very well in the kitchen with all members of the family and of course where will be nice to cook. :) Everything is about one fact...if you have your dream kitchen or you still wait for renovation of the kitchen. If you are in the second category, think about the color of kitchen unit. Why it is important ? When I saw this perfect yellow kitchen unit I had more e...

Zabavna metoda pri uceni / Funny way of learning

Ucenie nemusi byt len zatazujuce a nudne, je fajn, ked sa najde cesta ucenia hrou. Prave na tuto metodu myslel v roku 1950 dansky designer Kay Bojesen, ktory vytvoril tuto drevenu pomocku spociatku pre mladsie deti. Dnes sa vyraba znova a je urcena pre zabavu aj starsim aj dospelym... Zaujala aj mna a musim povedat, ze starsieho syna by teda naozaj bavila :) * Learning not have to be just boring, it is OK when we can find funny way, the way of game. Danish designer Kay Bojesen thought about this funny way already in 1950 and created this lovely wooden toy for reading. It was for younger children. This toy is creating again and older children and adults can use it for fun and game f.e. spelling... It is very interesting also for me and I guess it will be interesting also for my older boy :) Images via Bobedre, Kay Bojesen

Svedsky byt plny napadov / Swedish apartment with a full of ideas

Ked som videla fotky z tohto bytu, hned som mala lepsiu naladu. Je fakt, ze siri optimizmus a hlavne je plny skvelych inspiracii. Byt je podla mojho vkusu, su tu krasne svetelne dekoracie, domaci siahli po dekorovani tapetami a velmi dobre spravili. Aj ked je tapeta v obyvacej izbe odvaznejsia a abstraktnejsia, o to viac je zaujimavejsia a mne osobne sa velmi paci. Rozhodne vsak ani dalsia tapeta v tomto byte nie je zla, ba prave naopak :) Takze ak sa rozhodnete pre tapety do Vasho domova, spravite len a len dobre, treba vsak vyberat velmi rozvazne :) * When I saw this apartment, my mood was better and better. That's right, this space is full of optimism and great inspirations. The flat is nice, I love nice lighting decorations, the inhabitants chose very nice both wallpapers. First one is in the living room, it is absolutely great, interesting, abstract...and second in the kitchen is nice too. When you will decide for the wallpapers in your home please choose careful...

Design of Appnexus in New York

Po zhliadnuti fotiek, uverejnenych nizsie, musim povedat, ze renovacia sidla Appnexusu v NY sa viac ako vydarila a plati tu len jedno vystizne WOW :) Celu renovaciu mal na starosti Habjan Architecture and Interior Design a vsetky prace viedli vo velmi sviezom, farebnom duchu. Su tu ako miesta na pracu, tak aj miesta na relax a musim povedat, ze aj na ten relax je fakt cas, netreba zamestnancov zdierat, inde to funguje v pohode a svet sa zatial z toho nezrutil :) Takze inspiracii je velmi vela... Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine * When I saw these images below I have to say only WOW.... These images are of Appnexus in NY. These nice offices are after big renovation from the side of Habjan Architecture and Interior Design. They did very good job and created lovely fresh atmosphere...I love the places for relax, are full of ideas and energy.....I love it! Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via Interior Design