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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu októbra 25, 2014

Drevo v interieri / The wood in the interior

Neskutocne sa mi paci drevo v interieri, vyznie krasne a v kombinacii s bielou farbou alebo jemnymi pastelovymi farbami kazdy interier vyznie krasne. Ci uz jedalen, kuchyna, obyvacia miestnost alebo aj spalna.  Inspiracie uvedene nizsie su absolutne fantasticke :) * I love the wood in the interior and each interior looks perfect in the combination with white or pastel colors. The wood in the kitchen, the bedroom, living room or dining room is nice... The inspirations below are absolutely fantastic :) Images via BoligLiv

Krasny a sviezi svedsky byt / Lovely and fresh swedish flat

Tento byt ma krasny vzhlad a kazdy navstevnik z neho musi citit energiu. Je takisto vidno, ze v nom byva mlada rodina, comu zodpoveda zariadenie a samotny styl bytu... Mna oslovila obyvacia izba a zvlast stolicky s konferencnym stolikom, veru ....chcela by som vyskusat, ako sa na tych stolickach sedi, vyzeraju skvelo...:) Svoj styl obyvatelia bytu vlozili aj do spalne, tato izba je zaujimava, farebna a svojska... * This apartment is absolutely perfect, has lovely look, design and each visitor has to feel fresh air and energy. It is visible that young family is living there, the furnishings of flat and the styl is typical for younger people... I love the living room, especially the chairs and the coffee table...really...I would like to sit on these chairs with lovely design...:) The style of young family we can see in the bedroom,  this room is interesting, colorful and unusual... Images via Alvhemmakleri

Skvely design novych kaviarni a barov v NY / Great design of new cafes, bars in NY

Je jasne, ze pri navsteve kazdej restauracie alebo baru, ci kaviarne, kazdeho jedneho navstevnika ovplyvni pohostinnost, cistota a celkovy look zariadenia. Je fajn, ked si na celkovy vzhlad kaviarne a restauracie davaju zalezat, na to totizto ako prve nalakaju navstevnika. No a dalsi uspech samozrejme pride po zisteni aka je kuchyna a obsluha...:)  Dnesny post je o designe kaviarni a restauracii, musim povedat, ze moje oko potesili :) * It is true that each visitor of restaurant, bar or cafe is influeanced by hospitality, design and look of space. The look and design are very important and it is first sign which the visitor sees. Then the kitchen and services are following...:) Today's post is about design of cafes and restaurants and I have to say these ones are perfect :)  Blenheim in the West Village by Morten Sohlberg Narcissa in Cooper Square by Shawn Hausman Design  Narcissa in Cooper Square by Shawn Hausman Design Gato in Gr...