Images via Stadshem ...ako je na tomto blogu uz zvykom, aj dnes Vam ponukam poriadnu davku stylu a elegancie, ktoru objavite prave v tomto interieri, ktory sa nachadza vo Svedsku.... ...byt je naozaj velkym skvostom, pretoze je zariadeny s velkou a krasnou davkou vkusu, ci skandinavskeho stylu a je velkou radostou pozerat na kazdu jednu izbu od kuchyne, cez obyvaciu izbu s jedalenskym kutom , spalnou a halou... ...nakoniec mozem a musim uznat, ze tento byt vyzera krasne a velmi pohodlne... * ...I would like to show you really nice and fantastic swedish home which is situated in can find here a lot of elegance and nice have a look on it...:) ...the apartment is a big treasure which is arranged with high style and scandinavian is a pleasure to watch on the kitchen via the living room, dining corner, the bedroom and the hallway... at the end I have to say only...this flat looks so nice, stylish and comfortable...I love it...