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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu decembra 29, 2015

Elegant christmas time in scandinavian home

Images via Lantliv ...ked mam pravdu povedat, za Vianocami mi bude smutno z viacerych dovodov a jednym z nich budu aj tieto uzasne nordicke domy a byty, ktore su sice po cely rok krasne, ale vdaka tomuto obdobiu maju svoje specialne caro a verim, ze v tomto sme jednoducho za proste top :) * ....I will be sad that christmas period will finish for many reasons....and one of them is that I love these amazing and magical houses, homes, apartments...:) that's right ...scandinavian interiors are nice during all the year but....and I  believe you agree with me ...scandinavian homes are special and nice magic during this time...:)