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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu januára 13, 2015

Dobra nalada / Good mood

Dnes to vonku vyzera skor na jar a nie na 13.januar, tak som hned dostala chut si veci trosku doma pomenit, ale aj tak ten zimny pocit ma stale neopusta, tak aj podla toho sa zmenili u nas dekoracie a ako sa zda, naladu mam, chut tiez, takze pokracovat budem velmi ale velmi skoro.... * Today we have spring's weather and I wanted to change something in my apartment but I let a little bit of winter feeling in our interior :) I changed some decorations and I will continue with some small changes in my flat.... Images by Trendesso

Sarm svedskeho zaujimaveho bytu / Charm of interesting scandinavian apartment

...tu sme narazili na velmi krasny a velmi zaujimavy svedsky byt...priestorove usporiadanie je nevsedne hned ako clovek vstupi do chodby.. je fajn a je vyhodou, ze ako v spalni, tak aj v obyvacej izbe sa nachadza kozub, dodava to interieru smrnc :) farebna skala ide v jednom tone vo vsetkych izbach a materialoch a je to OK, nie je narusena jednota a nic sa nebije...a nakoniec, co sa mi velmi paci je skrinka v kupelni so zrkadlom, ktory priestor len zvacsuje... * ...this is really nice and interesting swedish flat...spatial layout is strange and you can see it when you come in the hallway....:) it is lovely and is advantage when there is the fireplace in each room ( living room and bedroom ), whole space looks nicier and cozier :) color scheme is very pleasant and is in one tone, it's great because the atmosphere creates unity...and finally I like so much one is the cabinet with the mirror and the bathroom looks bigger...   ...

Dalsi pripravovany produkt DALSHULT/SLÄHULT table od IKEA / Another upcoming product of IKEA DALSHULT/SLÄHULT table a mame tu dalsi pripravovany produkt, ktory ma prist na trh vo februari, tento stol je viac ako uzasny, vyzera perfektne, takze dalsia vec, na ktoru sa mozeme tesit... Prajem Vam krasny den! Lucia Albertine * we have here another piece of new IKEA product which come in February on the market, the table is amazing and perfect and I am looking forward to that :) Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via Poppytalk