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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu septembra 6, 2013

Design Trade Copenhagen

Last week 28 – 30 September 2013 was great event Design Trade in Copenhagen . If you monitor some interesting blogs about design you know about it more. Unfortanately I was not there but I watch Stylizimo ( Nina Holst )  and I know a lot of interesting things. I add some photos which I like most. It is about Nina Holst’s styling in Copenhagen and design and styling of new talent Christina Liljenberg Halstrom. Nina used he lounge chair is by HAY , the mirror is by Trip Trap and the little coffee table is by Foxy Potato . The marble wallpaper is by Ferm Living and the cushion and the throw in the chair is by Broste . Minulý týždeň od 28 do 30 Septembra 2013 sa konala super udalosť v Kodani Design Trade . Ak sledujete blogy o designe, určite viete o tom. Nanešťastie som tam nebola, ale sledujem moje obľúbené Stylizimo od Niny Holst a mám informácie z prvej ruky.Tu pripájam...

Lovely black and white Scandinavian apartment / Nádherný čierno - biely škandinávsky byt

This beautiful black and white apartment is for sale through Real Estate Agency   Lundin Fastighetsbyra. This apartment has 2 stylish, simple rooms. The living room is so beautiful, the sofa, the pillows and the armchair, this globe – bar is good and nice furniture’s piece. :) I love atmosphere of bedroom, the colors and home office. This apartment is simple and stunning :) but the floor could be whiter brown or white. Tento nádherný čierno – biely byt je napredaj cez realitnú kanceláriu Lundin Fastighetsbyra. Je to byt, ktorý má 2 krásne, štýlové a popritom jednoduché izby. Obývacia izba je pekná, od gauča, cez vankúše, fotele a globúsa, ktorý si plní aj funkciu baru, je to pekný kúsok. :) Spálňa má príjemnú atmosféru, príjemné farby a pracovný kútik je úžasný. :) Na ten mám fakt slabosť. Tento škandinávsky byt je očarujúci, no ale pre mňa by podlaha mohla byť bledohnedá alebo biela. ...