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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu júla 23, 2014

Nahrdelniky, ich dolezite miesto v outfitoch / Necklaces, their important place in outfits

Nahrdelniky naozaj ozivia cely outfit, bez nich by to bola nuda, co myslite? Krasny den! Lucia Albertine * Outfits look fresh with necklaces. I think without accessories the outfits would be boring, what do you think? Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via Pinterest

Slnecny skandinavsky dom na pobrezi / Sunny scandinavian house on the beach

Chcela by som Vam ukazat tento skvost  medzi domami. Nachadza sa v Skandinavii a je uplne uzasny.  Dom disponuje ukazkovym priestorom, architekti teda vedeli dobre vyuzit svetlo, ktore podciarkli aj oranzovou farbou a velkymi oknami. Nesmierne sa mi paci industrialny styl, pouzitie dreva a kamena....a ako pozornosti designerov neunikol interier, tak nijako nezanedbali ani exterier, takze na terasu je naozaj radost pozerat.... Paci sa aj Vam tento dom? Lucia Albertine * I would like to show you one great treasure between houses. This house is situated in Scandinavia and is absolutely amazing. The house has fantastic space, the light, I love the orange color and big windows here. I adore the industrial style of the house, use of wood and stone....interior designers did great job also in the exterior, we can find here really nice terrace.... Do you like this house too? Lucia Albertine Images via Svenskfast

Fantasticky design nemocnic / Fantastic design of Hospital

Vcera som narazila na uzasny prispevok, ktory som chcela uverejnit na svojom blogu. A tak sa deje dnes. Je to taka mala ukazka krasnej architektury, dobrej prace interierovych designerov pre zdravotnicke zariadenia. Je pravda, ze chori si zasluzia len tu najlepsiu starostlivost, ale aj to, aby sa nachadzali v prijemnom prostredi. Je to taka mala inspiracia pre spravnych ludi v mnohych statoch, ktori maju prostriedky zmenit situaciu v zdravotnictvach.... Prajem pekny den! Lucia Albertine * I found yesterday a lot of great ideas and I decided to post them in my blog. I am doing it right now. It is small show of lovely architecture, nice jobs of interior designers for hospitals, health centres. It is true that ill people need the best care but also lovely and comfortable environment. This is small inspirations for many people who can change the situations in medical services of many countries... Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine  Patient Room of Clinic Healt C...