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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu decembra 17, 2014

Nadherna vianocna atmosfera / Beautiful christmas atmosphere

...zasnem kolko vianocnych inspiracii existuje a su nadherne aj tieto, ktore najdete nizsie.... Vianoce pravom nesu nazov, najkrajsie pokojne sviatky, tak si ich uzite aj Vy :) * is unbelievable how many christmas inspirations you can find everywhere and these today's inspirations which you can find below are fantastic too... Christmas time is really the most beautiful time of the year.... Images via Skonahem

Uzasny skandinavsky byt / Amazing scandinavian apartment

...myslim, ze je tu na mieste slovo uzasny. Mna tento byt zaujal okamzite a hned ma uputala kuchyna, ktora je moja vysnivana biela s krasnym nabytkom a lampou. Samozrejme nijako nezaostavaju ani ostatne izby. V kazdej jednej ma zaujali stoly a stoliky, ktore su na prvy pohlad kvalitne a drevene. V poslednom case sa stavam fanusikom skladacich stolov, aky mozeme vidiet v obyvacej izbe.... No a pre mna je neskutocne pekna chodba, ma zaujimave riesenie... Je to fakt krasny svedsky byt :) * .... when I say it is amazing apartment it is absolutely true. I love this scandinavian apartment where is nice each room. I like the kitchen, is in my favourite white color and has stunning furniture and the lamp. Of course, other rooms are nice too. I adore tables in this flat, especially in the living room. I become big fan of folding tables and this one in living room is wonderful. :) I love the hallway too, this space has interesting spatial resolution.... It is fantastic swedish

Muuto talent adwards 2014

...ano, sutaz uz vyvrcholila a uz je znamy aj nim Nick Ross a jeho Tension Lamp. MUUTO touto sutazou dava sancu zacinajucim talentom, ktori vychadzaju zo skol a samozrejme nielen takym.  No a tohtorocny vitaz svojim produktom zaujal snad kazdeho, uz len preto, ze Tension Lamp pripomina rybarsky prut a ma teda v sebe nordicke citenie, lampa by podla vsetkeho nemala byt tazka, presne ako ten prut.... V kazdom pripade si myslim, ze MUUTO porota vybrala velmi dobre. Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine * ...yes, this competition is already finished and we know the winner is Nick Ross and his Tension Lamp.  MUUTO Talent Adwards gives the chance to emerging talents.  The winner of this year with his product was interesting for everyone. Tension Lamp is like a fishing rod, has nordic feeling and the lamp should be weighted as rod...:) In any case I think that MUUTO jury chose very well. Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images