Images via Bostadsratsspecialisten a zas a znova zaciname novy pracovny tyzden s uzasnym skandinavskym bytom, ktory ma fantasticky priestor a atmosferu... ...musim povedat, ze kuchyna je priam kralovska, jej priestrannost a vzdusnost je podciarknuta najma bielymi lesklymi materialmi, skandinavskym nabytkom, farebnymi dekoraciami....o ano, kuchyna je priam famozna.... ...v ziadnom pripade ani ostatne izby nezaostavaju za kuchynou, v celom byte vidime nadherne ciste linie, krasne vyuzity priestor, v ktorom nadherne vynikne skandinavsky styl.... * ...we start new working week again with wonderful scandinavian apartment which has stunning space and fresh atmosphere... ...I have to say that I love the kitchen...this room is absolutely amazing and looks spacious thanks to white shiny materials, scandinavian furniture, colors decorations....the kitchen is really and really fantastic... ...other rooms are nice and cute too.....we can see in whole apartment nice clean