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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu októbra 19, 2014

Cokoladovy sen / Chocolate dream

Je jasne, ze horuca cokolada dobre padne pocas zimneho obdobia, aj ked nastastie to vonku vypada, ze ju este dlho potrebovat nebudeme. No ale do zbierky receptov pre horucu cokoladu pre istotu pribudnut moze, lebo ked zacne mrznut, tak lahko zas neprestane...:( - 1 smotana na slahanie / 1 whipping cream - 100g horkej cokolady / 100g dark chocolate - 30g praskoveho cukru / 30g powdered sugar - 1 PL mletej skorice / 1 soupspoon ground cinnamon - 100ml whiskey  - mlieko / milk Smotanu s trochou mlieka v hrnci privedieme do varu. Pridame na kusky polamanu cokoladu a cukor a vsetko dobre premiesame.  Ku cokolade pridame mletu skoru a whiskey. Odstavime od ohna a stale miesame, naplnime do poharov a mozeme pit ako horucu alebo aj studenu cokoladu, kazdemu podla chuti...:) * The whipping cream and milk in the pot to heat into boiling  point. We add dark milk and sugar and we mix it. Then we add ground cinnamon and whiskey. Weaning from the fire ...

Sarkaniada / Nice day with kites

Vcera sa  u nas na letisku v Prievidzi konala sarkaniada, bolo viac ako super aj napriek tomu, ze den predtym doslova lialo, ale viditelne to nikomu neprekazalo. Mam rada taketo skvele napady najma preto, ze deti maju z toho velku radost a tie nase mali. Sarkanov bolo viac ako dost, nejake aj ceny povyhravali, takze vsetci boli spokojni. Program bol pestry a na svoje si prisli aj deti milujuce motorky, takze bolo fajne :) * Yesterday we had a lovely day with kites at the aiport in Prievidza. This day was wonderful nevertheless , the day before raining all the time. I love these great ideas especially when these ideas are lovely for children and this one was fantastic for my children. There were a lot of kites, people with nice and interesting kites won some nice things and everyone was satisfied. The program was amazing thanks to lovers of motorbikes...., it was great ....:)    

Netradicny nordicky interier / Untraditional nordic interior

Vzdy moju pozornost uputaju netradicne interiery, ale aj exteriery a myslim, ze Skandinavia je na to bohata. :) A tak tomu  nebude inak aj v tomto dnesnom poste.  Interier je velmi zaujimavy a je v bielo, sedom a ciernom tone :) Je to podkrovny a priestranny byt a je naozaj radost pozerat, co tu vsetko interier skryva. Neskutocna je obyvacia izba, ktora je otvorena a ma v sebe prvky loftu. Kazda jedna izba je elegantna, zariadena stylovym nabytkom. Tento byt na mna posobi velmi tajomne, ma v sebe tu atmosferu...teda aspon pre mna, ale ta kupelna je fakt jedinecna :) * I love interesting and untraditional interiors and exteriors and I think Scandinavia has a lot of interiors like that. And this today's post will be about one interior like that. This interior is very interesting in grey, white and black combination. It is attic and spacious flat and it is nice to watch what we can find here. I love living room, this space is unbelievable and opened as a loft. Each r...

Krasa severu / Beauty of nordic

Utulnost severu pozna kazdy, kto sleduje nordicke interiery, design, materialy a prirodu. Ja zostanem jeho fanusikom uz urcite natrvalo, lebo sa nedokazem toho nabazit :). Myslim, ze aj fotky uvedene nizsie hovoria za vsetko a hlavne, ked tam byva vacsia zima, tak ako exterier, tak aj interier dodavaju pocit tepla a domova :) Prajem Vam krasnu a slnecnu nedela! Lucia Albertine * Everybody who is fan of  Scandinavian interiors, materials, design and nature, knows very well cozy of nordic. I am and I will be forever their big fan because scandinavian design and their interiors are one of the best of the world. I think the images below talk the true about it and especially there is a big cold during winter and these images give the sence of warm and home :) Have a nice and sunny Sunday! Lucia Albertine Images via BoligLiv