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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu septembra 23, 2013

Incredible talent in photography world / Neuveriteľný talent vo svete fotografovania

It is a big honour to write some words about nice person PIA ULIN . It is person which is international famous and she works for IKEA, ELLE, NORDEA, TRAVELLER,.....and also for Lotta Agaton, She takes unbelievable images, amazing play with  light and the result is fabulous. Then the interiors have a soul and are more interesting. I think you just need to watch   :) If somebody wants to see more, can visit her web-site Je pre mňa veľkou cťou napísať post o tejto milej osôbke PIE ULIN . Je to osoba, ktorá je dobre známa a ktorá pracuje pre IKEA, ELLE, NORDEA, TRAVELLER.....a takisto aj pre Lottu Agaton. Robí neskutočné snímky, tá úžasná hra so svetlom a výsledok.....nádherný. Interiéry majú dušu, sú omnoho zaujímavejšie. :) Tak sa nenechajte rušiť a stačí len pozerať :) A kto chce vidieť viac, môže navštíviť jej web stránku       ...

Stylish scandinavian apartment / Štýlový škandinávsky byt

How was your weekend, friends? Despite the fact that Saturday was raining all day , Sunday was cool. We were with an older son in a movie theater. :) My mood was better and better when I saw this beautiful 3 – rooms apartment is in market of Real Estate Agency Stadshem . The living room is stunning room, I love absolutely all there. I like “coffee table”, looks so amazing.:) I like the chair and the suitcases as a decoration… is very stylish :) The bedroom is cool. I am fan of pictures in this room…..look very interesting. Other room is fantastic, I adore geometric shapes on the pillows, decoration of flags and of course my favourite hanger. I love the style of this apartment PLEASE BE ATTENTION I have to do some changes on my blog. I will change the name of my blog and the URL address   ( ). I will do it on 1/10/2013. So this blog Scandinavian interior and design will not exist, new name will uncover in the...