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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu októbra 6, 2014

Outfits for relax

...milujem kazdy jeden tento outfit, uz len preto, ze su vhodne na viacere prilezitosti ako na volne chvile, na vikendy, na vylety, do skoly, na nakupy.....tak sa nechajte kludne inspirovat aj Vy :) Prajem krasny den! Lucia Albertine * ...I love every outfit from this nice offer. I love it for one reason, we can use it for several occassions as go to a trips, weekends, for the school, or go you can be inspired byt this nice offer as well:) Have a nice day! Lucia Albertine Images via Pinterest

Elegantny skandinavsky interier / Elegant scandinavian interior

Tento uzasny skandinavsky byt je krasnou inspiraciou ako dodat svojmu pribytku smrnc. Disponuje zaujimavou farebnou skalou, krasnym nabytkom a ako sa zda, obyvatelia mali naozaj dobry vkus na eleganciu interieru. V kazdom pripade vsak treba pripustit, ze to nemali az take komplikovane, uz len preto, ze sam byt ponuka krasny interier ako vysoke stropy, dvere, priestranne jednoducho krasnu atmosferu. Mna svojim stylom jednoznacne dostala ako spalna, ktora je naozaj uchvatna, tak aj kuchyna :) * This amazing scandinavian apartment is nice evidence how you can give pizzazz to your home. We can find here nice colors, furniture and I have to say that the inhabitanst of this flat had correct eye for elegance of their interior. But I think they had easy way to arrange this flat because we can find here nice  spacious rooms, high ceiling and the big doors and fantastic atmosphere... I absolutely love the style of the bedroom, this room is magical and amazing and the ...

Vianocna nalada / Christmas mood

Neskutocne rychlo presiel ten rok a uz su tu zachvilku Vianoce znova...pre mna je to najkrajsi cas, uz len preto, ze sa rodina stretava, je sneh a deti sa mozu vysantit ( dufam, ze tento rok to bude mozne ), ale aj preto, ze sa aj ja budem moct vyblaznit a to s dekorovanim..... Zacinam si  trochu skor pripominat vianocny cas, aby som si rozmyslela, co a ako a na nic nezabudla, tohtorocne vianocne farby su zakladna biela spolu so striebornou, fialovou a bledozelenou.....ak mavate na stromceku gule, tak nie velke, skor mensie a vo farbach bielej, zlatej a tesim, bude to skvely cas :) Prajem krasny pondelok! Lucia Albertine * The Christmas is coming again is lovely time for me because the family will be together, I hope we will have a chance for snow, it will be great for children and it will be great time for me and my is time to start my preparation for this big occassion, choose something nice in this year's colors white, silv...